Monday, March 5, 2012

March Update

A lot has been going on since my last post. I still don't have internet at home, which makes blogging difficult. I had another appointment at Stanford and one at UCD. I spent a few days in the hospital. Plus I've been trying to do more outside my home (been getting stir crazy).

The appointment at Stanford went okay. Still not sick enough to be listed. All this waiting can get aggravating. Personally, I don't want to get worse than I am now. But rules are rules.

My UCD appointment went well. No change in health. Still trying to get the weight on. And some days I feel totally exhausted when I've done nothing. I found that riding the quad helps bring more gunk up so my doctor recommended I do that at least twice a week. So I've been making a point of taking it out. My dog likes it too, since he gets to go running. I did complain to my doctor about this whole waiting thing. It's frustrating. I finished school got my degree and now I can't use it because I can't work and stay healthy. He suggested I find some volunteer stuff to do. I would only have to put a couple of hours a week in and wouldn't wear myself out. Problem is, I live in the middle of nowhere and have no vehicle. So I'm doing the car search, which exceedingly frustrating. So far, only piles of junk are available in my price range. The appointment ended with me doing a bunch of lab work and then heading home. I slept most of the way home.

At the beginning of February I wound up in the hospital. Still not sure if it was allergies or my CF. I had allergy like symptoms but my white blood cell count was through the roof. So I did a round of antibiotics and my mom cleaned the house from top to bottom just in case. So far no more itchy burning eyes and no more runny nose.

The day after I got out of the hospital, my Bible Study group had its Valentine's Dinner. I had finished my dress the day before I went in to the hospital. It was this gorgeous white gown, covered in black lace with a berry coloured ribbon belt, tied in a bow. It was a thrift store find that I made some changes to. It turned out great. And the Valentine's Dinner was a blast. We were all single and friends, so all that crazy pressure to be romantic wasn't there. We were just there to have fun. Next time though I think I'll make a dress that is a little looser around the waist. I couldn't eat as much as I wanted because I ran out of room in my dress.

Things have wound down a little bit. I still have a Movie Night to plan out. My team and I are just having a hard time choosing a meeting time when we can all be present. Which we need to get cracking since Movie Night is on Friday and we don't even have a movie picked.

In the works is me giving a group of ladies a lesson on how to make a hair piece like the ones I make. Hopefully, it all goes through. I think it would be fun and a challenge. I'm used to art lessons with pre-schoolers not adults. So while I'm sure I won't have to worry about anyone trying to eat the glue, as adults we lose some of our creativity. Pre-schoolers don't know rules about coloures and techniques. They just pick what they want to go together and do it. I had a little girl who made a purple snow man and she was proud of it. Adults have a little trouble letting go of the rules. Snowmen are white, the sky is blue, and the grass is green. Any deviation from that is wrong. So trying to show them otherwise can be a challenge. I was making my list of materials needed for the project, and I really had to think. Besides glue, the rest of my materials can be random. Sometimes I use ribbon, sometimes beads or buttons, sometimes shells. I use whatever inspires me at that moment. It's fun, it's quirky, and there are no rules. I hope this turns out well.

Also in the works is my church's annual Night at the Oscars. You get to dress up (in formal wear or costume), have dinner, and have fun with everyone. I plan on going in costume this year. It's mostly complete. I just have to finish the corset and make a hat. The hat has proven challenging. Mostly, because I just want a small black hat that I can decorate myself. What I am finding are already decorated hats. I don't want to spend a bunch of money on something I'm going to take apart and redo my own way. It's frustrating. So it's back to the drawing board.

I hope you're keeping just as busy and staying out of mischief.

Till next time.

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